Friday, June 21, 2024


As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Hello. It’s been six years since my last confession, I mean, blog post. My desire to restart has been thwarted time and time again by insurmountable overwhelm. As you can imagine, a lot has happened since 2018. How can I possibly pick up where I left off and not have a 60 page novel of information? I could spend days reliving the nerve wracking global pandemic, writing about how we all endured it. I could be typing for weeks just on my growing family, how I birthed an entire second human being, who is now 4 YEARS OLD. But ain’t nobody got time for that! Please accept my sincere apology, (future self), that this time capsule isn’t as complete as it could have been. Life is busy, and crazy, and eventful and boring, and these past six years have been all that and more. Above all, life has been full of blessings upon blessings, and for that we are truly grateful to God.

So … you may ask … why did I bother starting this blog back up again? Quick answer: Money. ;)

Long answer: I wanted to become an Amazon Associate. That’s where you share links for things on Amazon, and when people click on those links, maybe, just maybe, you can make a teeny, tiny, miniscule, nanoscopic commission in the process. Will this work? Absolutely not. Why? Because I’m not an influencer with 5 million followers. I’m just a girl, standing in front of a social media shitstorm, believing the Instagram lies that prey on desperate mothers of young children trying to make ends meet. The more I started watching these “stay-at-home job opportunity” reels, the more they kept on coming. The algorithm force feeding my overstimulated consciousness, thinking a get-rich-quick scheme was simply waiting around the corner.

“Did you know you could be making $30,000 worth of passive income each month? All you need to do is sign up for this FREE online program to learn how. What are you waiting for?”

My poor little soul kept getting sucked in, and my big, strong, realist husband had to pull me out of despair a time or two. The pipe dream of making bank was lost, but upon reflection, I could see what kept drawing me in. I actually appreciate the concept of this mythological business practice. I enjoy telling people about the things I buy; where it came from, how much it cost, what features influenced my decision, etc. Anyone who knows me can attest that I’m an oversharer by nature, so why stop now? I’ve posted links for family and friends on this blog long before Amazon made it cool, so I’ll continue to do so in spite of this nasty conglomerate that monopolizes our society. 

Truth is, I shop online all the time. We all do. As a busy mom and wife, with a full time job and disdain for shopping in person in a post-covid world. Usually looking for a solution to some big life problem like, “Where the hell do I put all this wrapping paper?” and “How do I contain these cashews so they don't taste stale?” You know … first world problems. 

If I do manage to find something, and buy it, and like it, you can bet your bottom dollar I didn't spend too much money. That's the other thing about me; I refuse to spend more than I have to. Whether it’s my money, or my company’s money (oh yeah, I buy things for a living at my job, too). The things I purchase have been so well vetted that I'm embarrassed to tell you how long it takes me to decide. I compare reviews, cost, features, and quality so painstakingly, because let’s be honest, the market is saturated and we’re all just trying to weed through. Everything from my $200 vacuum cleaner to my $8 spray bottle got the ol’ Liz stamp of approval, and hopefully I can save someone else the headache of searching.

So! Click my links, or don’t click my links. I’m just here, on my own blog, oversharing because it comes naturally. And who knows, maybe there’s an item or two you didn't know you needed, but do!

Today I'll share 5 home/beauty items I've been enjoying:

Airtight Food Storage Containers

Why: We always have half-filled bags of chips, nuts, dried fruit, candy, etc. The bags don’t stack, and fall over, and hit me in the face when I open the cabinets! Not cool.

Pro: Can’t beat that price for great quality containers.

Con: They’re a bit tapered at the bottom so they don’t meet flush side by side.

Favorite Feature: They lock super tight, but are easy to release one tab at a time.

Wrapping Paper Storage

Why: OMG I have so many wrapping paper rolls and ribbon, and tape, and bags scattered in random locations around the house. Needed one central location.

Pro: Fits my really long rolls and the top pockets are great for bags and tissue paper.

Con: Zipper could be sturdier.

Favorite Feature: Slides under my bed!

Shark Vacuum

Why: My old vacuum broke, and I didn’t want to spend more than $200 bucks.

Pro: Love that I can separate just the top part of the hose, or the longer stick wand.

Con: Sometimes the base falls over if I stretch the hose too far when using the wand.

Favorite Feature: This washes out SO nicely. I love swishing some hot water, or a tiny bit of soap in the canister to make it look brand new every time I clean it!

Hair Dryer

Why: Old hair dryer was getting really worn out and too heavy for my weak (lazy) arms.

Pro: The attachments are great and snap on nice.

Con: Sometimes I accidentally move the air flow dial when switching hands.

Favorite Feature: Super lightweight. Just what I wanted.

Continuous Mist Spray Bottle

Why: Saw this at the salon, and wanted it so bad! I hate regular spray bottles that you press with one finger. My fingers are weak! LOL I’m noticing a pattern here … Anyway, I use spray bottles to wet Jane’s hair when pulling it into a ponytail, but you could use this for homemade cleaning supplies, etc.

Pro: They come in cute colors! Of course, I just got white. ;)

Con: Haven’t found one yet!

Favorite Feature: If you keep squeezing the lever, it really will just keep spraying continuously. Amazing!

Okay friends and family, that’s all I have for today!

Let me know what you think!

Xoxo Liz

1 comment:

  1. I am going to have you do my shopping 🤩🤣🤣 Liz, keep blogging!
