Friday, April 19, 2013


It's a ... girl? That's what they tell me! Do I think I'm having a girl beyond a reasonable doubt? Not exactly. My ultrasound technician says she's pretty sure and she's never wrong. What I heard? "I'm nowhere near positive, and I'm due for a failure." Regardless, I still have a healthy baby growing inside me, and that's all I can really ask for. Praise God I've made it this far! It seriously hasn't been easy for me but I can't tell if that's because I'm a complainer, or if my pregnancy is just hard. Most woman tell me every pregnancy is different so I shouldn't assume they will all be like this. Not like I'm thinking of more children yet. I'm focused on popping this one out first.

As of two weeks ago, I am six months pregnant! I know it's been a while since my last post where my baby was the size of a peanut! Now she's larger than an eggplant, weighing over 2 pounds, and growing by the minute! I'm feeling little flutters but no crazy punches yet. My placenta is on the top, acting like a pillow between my baby and me, so doctors say I'll feel movement later than most women.

We have the baby's room painted light gray and mint green. I'm not a crazy PINK EVERWHERE kind of person. My cousin and I picked those colors long before I knew the baby's gender because I like neutral colors for walls. You can always girl-i-fy the room later with bedding, wall hangings, etc. I finally registered at Target and Babies R Us for some super cute things, as well as functional things for baby Patterson. Registering was both fun and odd. I LOVE registering for babies, and weddings, and buying off other people's wedding/baby registries always make me happy. That being said, baby registering isn't all fun and games! You can't just pick out every cute outfit imaginable. You actually have to plan for what your baby will need. 70 super sweet onesies? Perhaps. A car seat? That's more like it. Teddy bears galore? If you must. Nasal aspirators? Now you have it! It took a while, but my family and multiple online checklists were very helpful. Listen, if you're a first-time mom like me, ask for help! You may think you'll need 14 rubber duckies in various colors and shapes, but most moms will tell you it's better to register for diapers!

In a week or two I will be in my 3rd trimester, and I hear that's when the real fun begins. Uncomfortable will take on a whole new meaning, and it will be about 20 degrees hotter every day. I'll be busting out of every shirt I own, and will most likely clean my house from top to bottom on a whim. Things to look forward to? My baby shower, finishing the baby's room, living in a clean house for once and, most importantly, meeting my little bundle of joy for the first time!! Lots of exciting things coming my way.

You may be wondering how my husband is doing with all this. Not too bad, I must say. He's supportive and kind, and always asks how his "girls" are doing. (It's really very sweet when he asks.) He was such a big help painting the nursery, and helping me with my registry, and thinking of baby names any chance he gets. AH! Baby names! Here's something I can answer for the masses. No, we do not have a name picked out yet! That is probably the number one question I have been asked since we found out it was a girl. Of course we are talking about names, and I have tons that I love, and Zach has many great choices, too, but we both agreed not to announce the name before the baby is born. If we find the most perfect name before then, I'm going to have such a hard time keeping it a secret, so half of me wants to stop discussing baby names all together! I jokingly tell my husband, "If you don't want me to spoil her name, we better not talk about it till I'm in labor!"

For now, my life consists of working all day, eating dinner and going to bed early. I really shouldn't complain  ...  I do love me some sleep, but finding a comfortable position is harder than it seems. There are only so many pillows in the universe, and most of them are completely useless to me. But hey, once I fall asleep (and before I inevitably get up to pee in the middle of the night), I am in complete peace.  Weekends are my favorite. That's when I get to sleep the most! And since I just came down with a cold, I'm sure this weekend will entirely consist of drinking orange juice, sleeping, and yes ... inevitably getting up to pee. What more does a pregnant woman need?

Well, that's all for today, blog-ville. Hopefully I will have some exciting things to share in the weeks and months to come! Take care, and leave some love in the comments below!

xoxo Liz