Saturday, May 10, 2014


It's been nine months since I held my baby for the first time. Officially a mother, bragging rights and all. I didn't go through natural childbirth (Eliana was a c-section), but I had my share of contractions and hospital horror stories to receive my badge of honor. I was just talking to my sister the other day about the labors of her two children. Each one hard in different ways. Unique, but similar; terrifying, but inspiring. I always used to think the worse you had it at the hospital, ("40 hours of active labor!") the more of a mom you were. It's only now I realize that every crazy birthing story yields the same result. One day you don't have a kid, the next day you do. Bam. A mother.

There are no degrees of labor that can change your motherhood. No "I pushed harder" or "my labor lasted longer" or "my recovery was worse." That's just the beginning. An important piece of the puzzle, but by no means the whole story. Still, I love listening to people talk about birth. It's like watching a suspense movie. You're at the edge of your seat, hoping everyone survives! And still, the best is yet to come.

Eliana has been on this earth for 9 months and has not gone a single day without making me laugh. Her favorite thing to do is stare at me, clench her entire body, and scream at the top of her lungs. Then I laugh at her, and she laughs at me. It's a fantastic little exchange. I just hope my neighbors don't mind. ;) Life with my baby isn't always puppies and rainbows, (some days she cries if I leave the room, and doesn't stop ... ever ... until I return) but I am grateful for the mommy/baby time working from home gives us. Eliana is loving and sensitive just like her mommy, but she is also crazy and funny just like her dad. Her personality is really starting to show, and I love the little lady she is turning out to be!

Today I thought about my mother, and how she raised 5 kids. Each one a ball of energy and crazier than the next. Each one under the age of 6 when the last one came around. How. Did. She. Do. It? I still have no clue. Eliana is a full time job. A FULL time job and she's just one! I can't imagine 2 kids let alone 5! But here we go again. I am no less of a mother than my mother was. Sure ... she's like a superhero mom, but I'm a mom just the same. And what about those moms who adopt or foster? No birthing story for them, but they are moms through and through!

These many scenarios have been fascinating me as I think about Mother's Day. My husband mentioned getting me a gift, and I didn't know for what occasion. I'm a sucker for Hallmark holidays, but Mother's Day wasn't even on my radar. When he reminded me, I immediately started comparing myself to my mom, and my sisters, and even friends my age who are having babies. I didn't know how I could be considered in the same group as these warrior women. How could a newbie like me be celebrated? I guess I have to remind myself how uniting motherhood can be. Each family unique, but similar. Being a mom is terrifying, but inspiring.

Eliana is my badge of honor. Everywhere I take her, or when we cozy up at home, I find myself looking at her in disbelief. I can't quite understand how she's mine, or how her father and I made this little being. What a blessing she is. What a miracle. She's growing up strong and changing our lives and I only have our Lord to thank. Here's to the faithful mothers, young and old. To the ones with 1 or the ones with 10. To the labor horror stories and the adoption paperwork nightmares. Here's to you, Moms. :) Happy Mother's Day.

xoxo Liz