Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am terribly indecisive. I have been this way as long as I can remember. Amusingly, it’s not the big things that get me caught up … it’s the tiny things. I mean really minuscule things like deciding what to wear to work, or picking out a new breakfast cereal for the week. I hate the cereal aisle. Why? Why are there literally 12 kinds of Cheerios? More importantly, why must I look at each box, over, and over again, stressing over my decision as if I were choosing to cut the red wire, or the green wire? Regular, honey nut, banana nut, frosted, multi-grain, multi-colored … I can’t tell you how many times my husband leaves me in that fateful aisle 4 to fend for myself. He’s not mean or anything, he just can’t stand to fathom the necessity of my 10 minute debacle.
I blame my parents. I don’t really know how the two correlate, cereal choosing and child rearing, but I’m sure there’s got to be a connection somewhere. Regardless, (or irregardless, as my husband always likes to joke), the point of my rambling is to say that I started a blog about a month ago about marriage and photography that I really enjoy, but can’t seem to want to follow through with. I knew when I started it there would be a chance that I’d want to blog about something other than marriage, or photography, and that naming my blog and url as such might put me in a box, so to speak. So back and forth I went. Back and forth, back and forth. To make a blog about marriage and photography, or to make it about nothing and sometimes talk about marriage and photography. Back and forth, back and forth. Alas, I made my decision. The wrong decision. I come home every night and want to write about anything BUT marriage and photography. Sometimes I just want to write about cereal. So here I am, at a crossroads. Do I delete my old blog? Do I keep it? Do I leave this blog for random ramblings about cereal and whatnot, and keep the other blog for my original idea? As you can probably guess, I haven’t decided yet. Maybe you could help?
Irregardless (lol), here is my new blog. Daybreak. Why daybreak, you ask? I’m glad you asked. I’ll tell you later.
Xoxo Liz


  1. Keep the old blog for when you want to write about marriage or photography. Keep this one for everything else.

  2. Hi.
    thank you for creating blog content that gets me thinking!
    I choose cereal by whatever is on sale. Boxes in Canada average 7 or 8 bucks per box, so its really our only option...but it seems to work out well.
    I personally like the idea of a "mixed" blog...because it really gives such great insight to the whole person, not just one facet.
    I totally can relate to you last blog was about a piece of nut getting stuck in my gum....not my best moment...yet ties into the big picture of who I am.
    Those are my thoughts.
    I like the idea of logging into one simple sight and learning all things Elizabeth Fiorello.

  3. I agree, Crysty. Thanks. And i always love reading your blogs, nuts stuck in your gum and all!!!

    P.S. 8 bucks a box?? Man, that would really slow me down! lol

  4. Hey Liz! Can't believe I found your blog! When is your birthday? I am a Libra and SOOO indecisive! I spend FOREVER trying to decide what cereal bars to buy or what ice cream...ANY decision takes a lifetime. See ya in a couple of days....Pat

  5. Aww, Pat, I'm glad you found me! I was born in June ... I'm a Gemini I think? Lol, oh I hear ya on the ice cream!!

  6. I don't think you should blame your parents for your indecisiveness. Choosing a cereal is a no-brainer for me: Kashi GoLean. It has more fiber than anyone needs and wouldn't get soggy in a bowl with milk for at least two weeks.
    PS Keep the "mixed" blog. Randomness is interesting.

  7. Oh dear ... Kashi GoLean?? Wow, you're a trooper, Momsies. ;)
